Friday, September 17, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist 1898-1899

Bethlehem Baptist Church in Jefferson County Missouri has reached a fairly peaceful period. Most of the meetings had no business which is good--- no one was accused of dancing, not many changing their membership. To read the complete document, double click on the photos. A peaceful church is a good thing although it can be a little boring for a historian. :-)
P. 13 May 1898 ". . .Sister Bittick presented her letter to the church. A motion was made to receive her in the church in full fellowship. . . E. J. Hemrick moderator, Thomas Eoff clerk protem."
June 1898 They intend to make an ". . .an absent list of those who do not attend church. . ."
p. 14 July 1898 They elected delegates to the association: J.G.Lee, J.S.McKay [John S. McKay] and J.L. Perkins [John L. Perkins]. William. Alvoid moderator protem and J.L.Perkins Clerk Protem.
p.15 Oct. 1898 ". . .Bro. J. W. Wideman called for a letter from Bethlehem Baptist Church to unite with some other of the same faith and order which was granted. . . moderator E.J. Hemrick; George W. Harrison church clerk"
p. 16 Nov. 1898 ". . .Matilda Lewis called for a letter to enter with some other church of same faith and order. . ."
p. 17 Jan. 1899 No business
Feb. 1899 ". . .Owing to rain and bad weather was no church in February."
March 1899 No business
June 1899 No business E.J. Hemrick, moderator; W. R. Williams [W. Riley Williams] clerk pro tem.
p. 20 July 1899 No business
Aug. 1899 Association delegates: J. S. McKay, W.R. Williams and George W. Harrison.
p. 21 Sept 1899 Jefferson Co. Baptist Association met at Bethlehem
Oct. 1889 ". . .1st visiting brethren invited to a seat in council; 2nd the door of the church was opened; 3rd the minutes of the last meeting were called for. . .4th Sister Melvina Graham was granted a letter of dismission from the church when joined to another of the same faith and order. . ."

Last, but not least. . .
Dec. 9, 1899 No business
Jan. 1900: to be continued.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist Records 1892-1897

Minerva McCulloch Manion 1836-1904
Double click on any of the documents and photos of Bethlehem Baptist Church to enlarge them, then use your back arrow to return to the page. Again, I'm missing a number of pages due to several factors: they weren't there, they were too faded to read, they had no information on them. Although Bethlehem Baptist is considered to be in Grubville, a new church appears in the community--Grubville Baptist Church, just a few miles down the road.
May 7, 1892 ". . .the case of Bro. L. Willson was taken up and laid over until next meeting on motion. The case of Sister Mary Williams. . .committee consisting of Len Williams, Minerva Manion and Josephine Manion to see the sister. Wm McKay moderator, Lewis Reiter, clerk pro tem" This is Louis Henry Reiter the son of my g-g grandfather Louis/Ludwig Reiter who emigrated from Germany. Josephine Manion could be the daughter of Minerva McCulloch and William G. Manion who was the son of Susan Graham.
Oct. 1892 ". . .Jasper Eoff returned his letter. . . Rev. Price McKay, mod W.R. McKay clerk pro tem".
June 19, 1893 ". . .Bros. Len Williams and L. Wilson elected solicitors. . ."
Aug. 12, 1893 ". . .1. Brother Newton Eoff restored 2. Brother N. Eoff Licensed to preach 3. Letter to the Association read and received 4. On motion church elected a pastor which resulted in the choice of S.G. McKee. J. P. McKay moderator, J.L. Perkins, clerk."
Jacob Jefferson McKee, the first husband of my great-grandmother Mary C. Reiter Long who is buried here beside him with her second husband T.H.Long at Pilgrim's Rest Baptist with his first wife.  Their grandsons, added the second stone which explains this.
Oct. 1893 ". ..1. Sisters Minerva Manion, Josephine and Mary McColor granted letters of dismission 2. Church agreed to pay Bro. S. G. McKee $5 a trip. . . S. G. McKee, moderator J.L. Perkins, clerk." I suspect that should be Mary McCulloch since Minerva's maiden name was Minerva McCulloch and Josephine is possibly Josephine Manion.
The document below indicates there were some problems with the Grubville Baptist Church being formed just down the road from Bethlehem Baptist Church.
June 1895 ". was then stated by the Bethlehem members that the spirit of said propositions was good but that it was not a matter of feeling between members but a question as to the loyalty of Grubville as a Baptist Church. Bro. Hill then stated that the propositions did not fill the bill that he wrote it and that he did not know what the trouble was but Bros. Frost and Williams talked it quite different. Bro. Williams said and we hear that he had stated the same in their meeting, that people say I do not belong to a legal church and if I do not I want to know it. I want to be a member of a church. Bro. Frost said that what they wanted to know if Grubville was right in what she [the church] has done and that if it is they wanted it to stand and if not they would to fall. There not being many of the Bethlehem Church present it was decided by a note to wait until our next regular meeting to give the committee an answer the church was then adjoined. J.E. Short moderator"
Grubville Baptist Church

Jul 13, 1895 ". . .a committee appointed to meet the Grubville Committee to call it counsel the church agreed to abide by the conclusion of the committee and counsel. The committee: J. E. Short, P.P. McKay, J.S. McKay, J.L. Perkins. . . delegates [Jefferson County Association] are J.G. Lee, J.S. McKay and W.R. McKay."
November 1896 ". . .a motion to move the church house and a committee to have it done consisting of Bros. W.R. Williams, J.G.Lee, J.S. McColloch and J.S. McKay. A letter of dismission was granted to Bro. Phinas Ogle and his wife also to Sister Eliza Hill. Bro. E.Z. Hamrick was elected pastor. . ." [E. J. Hamrick]
This February 1897 entry is really a fragment: ". . .Fortner asking for a letter of . . . mison from Bethlehem Church which was granted. E.J. Hamrick moderator J.S. McKay clerk pro tem"
July 1897 ". . .Bro. George Harrison chosen clerk pro tem and church agreed to correspond with Jefferson County Baptist. . . Delegates Bro. J. S. McKay, George Harrison and W.K. Williams.. ."
Aug. 1897". . .E.J. Hamrick unanimously elected. . ." as pastor for the year.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist 1888-1891

Sept. 1888 ". . .Bro. Robert Hunt charged fiddling and dancing at balls. . .a com. appointed to visit him. . .Bros. Silas Pounds and George Evans. Bro. Stephen charged with swearing. . .a com. appointed to visit him. . .Bros. J. P. Lollar and Joseph Brown[son of Mary Polly Graham and Henry G. Brown]. Sister Martha V. Carrow charged with dancing . . .a committee appointed to visit her Sisters Joseph Brown [Mary Ann Hanvey?] and Manerva Manion [Minerva McCulloch]. . .W. G. Manion [William G. Manion] and John S. McKay was appointed to draw of the name of members on the church book. . ."
P. 104 Feb. 9, 1889 ". . .Annie Grayham aplide for a letter of dismis to join at Desoto. . ." I didn't correct the spelling on this. . .I'm not sure who she is but am pretty sure this should be Annie Graham.
Aug. 1889 The Church Book of names committee: J. G. Lee, W. Elwood, J. L. Perkins ". . .Brother S. G. Medley and Sister Melvina Graham [Augustus Graham's wife] granted letters of dismission. Sister Bettie Reiter elected solicitor for the ensuing year. . . " Bettie or Elizabeth Reiter was my great-grandmother's sister. I'm very impressed that she has been elected to this job as a single woman of 22 years old.
November 1889 ". . .the reception for members. Sister Annie Hulsey received on her letter from Providence. The presbytery then proceeded to the ordination of Bro. John S. McKay to the Deaconship of the church. . ."
Oct. 10, 1891 ". . .Sister Bettie Reiter elected solicitor for the ensuing year. . ."
Elizabeth "Bettie" Reiter Manion 1867-1904

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist Church 1887-1888

Samuel G. Medley, Baptist Pastor

These are from the Bethlehem Baptist Church near Grubville, Mo. There are many missing pages, but this time I didn't photograph them all. My camera battery was getting weak, so I didn't photograph pages that basically said, "We had no business and the meeting was adjourned." But there were some pages missing too.
Dec. 1886 ". . .who should constitute the presbytery. Bros. Steel, Cox, McKay and Frazier were named and clerk ordered to write to the brethern. . ."[George Steel and J.R.Cox---not sure which McKay nor Frazier]
Jan. 8, 1887 ". . .Deacon L. H. Lee offered his resignation as deacon of the church as he was getting old, could not hear [he was 74 years old]. The church requested him to remain as deacon which he consented to do. The church appointed a committee to visit Deacon Brown and ascertain the cause of his staying away from church and request him to come to church the next meeting. The committee Bros. S. Medley, Edsell, and Robert McKay. Bro. S.S. Bittick and his wife was granted letters of dismission from the church." [Jacob Edsell or James Edsell]
April 14, 1887 ". . .the committee made a report and brother Joseph Brown excluded from the fellowship of the church by request. . . Bro. Wm. Alwood was chosen deacon. . . Elder Wm. McKay and Bro. Short was chosen to assist in ordination. . ." Joseph Brown later became re-instated because he's mentioned in the minutes for Sept. 1888.
July 15, 1887 ". . .The church proceeded to ballot for delegates which resulted in choice of Bros. John T. Lee, Wm. Elvoid and Price McKay. Bro. David Perkins and Sister Connie [Kansas] Perkins applied for letter. There being a charge against Br. David, the church could not grant him a letter. On motion the church granted Sister Connie letter of dismissal."

Cintha Beeler, wife of Green Herrington
May 12, 1888 ". . .Preaching by Bro. Medley [Samuel G. Medley]. . . in the case of Bro. Lester Henry. . .the committee made their report. . . and he excluded from the fellowship of the church. A charge was preferred against Sister Henry for denying the faith. A committee appointed to visit her. . . the Church authorized the Clerk to mark out the name of Green Herrington. . .J.R. Cox moderator J. L. Perkins, clerk."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bethlehem Records 1882-1885

Jane Elizabeth McCulloch Pounds, first wife of Isaac Evans Pounds
p. 55 Nov. 11, 1882 ". . .the church agreed to pay the pastor fifty dollars to labor as pastor for one year. The church gave Brother Pierce the right hand of fellowship greeting him as pastor. The church re-elected Bro. John T. Lee [son of Margaret Julia Graham and Lewis Harrison Lee] as treasurer for the ensuing year. .." John S. McKay, Clerk Elder N. M. Pierce, moderator.
Jan. 13, 1884 ". . .the abstract of names from the church book as corrected was presented. . .committee discharged. . .Stephen Pounds not present. . .new one appointed to report a February meeting. Bro. Silas Pounds [brother of Stephen Pounds]. . .Judson Pounds and James Thompson. . ." Sadly, there are pages missing.July 1885 ". . .Bro. Price McKay, the clerk was appointed to write the letter of greeting to the association. . .appointment of brothers John Lee [Margaret Julia Graham's grandson?], J. Price McKay and John S. McKay [delegate to Association]. . .the church agree to the ballot for pastor which resulted in the election of Bro. N. M. Pierce. . ."
Aug. 8, 1885 ". . .Bro. George Evans charged with dancing. . .a comitee appointed to cite him to the church com. John T. Lee, John S. McKay. Bro. August Marrah [sometimes written as Merrieu] charged with dancing. ..committee appointed to cite him. . .Joseph Brown [son of Mary Polly Graham] and Julius Valley [Julius Valle was the son of Caroline Tyrey]. Sister Emily Pilant charged with dancing. . .a committee appointed to cite her. . .Silas Pounds and Sister Frances Lee [daughter of John T. Lee?]. Ardell Dickey charged with dancing. . .com. appointed to cite her. . .John Lee Perkins and Sister Martha Bittick [daughter of Margaret Julia Graham]. ..a letter from George Steel requesting the church [assist]. . .J. Price McKay in going to school and also to bring his case before the association. S.S. Bittick appointed to take subscription and collect for that purpose. . .John S. McKay, Clerk Deacon L.H. Lee, moderator."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Bethlehem Baptist Minutes 1881

These records are from the Bethlehem Baptist Church near Grubville, Mo. The tombstone above, for James W. Thompson who died Feb. 21, 1890, is in the cemetery there. The membership records for this period, show the condition of some of these documents and why there are pages missing. Click here.
Feb. 12, 1881 ". . .Owing to a violent storm there was no meeting of the Church on Saturday nor any preaching on the Sabbath. . ." George Steel, Clerk [married to Margaret Julia Graham's granddaughter Mary Mildred Lee]
March 12, 1881 ". . . The Committee in the case of Bro. Wm. A. Jones made a report and was discharged. Bro. Jones having written a letter to the Church in which he acknowledges his faults and asks foregivenes, the church forgave him and the case was dismissed. Bro. Jones also applied for a letter of dismission which was granted. The case of Mary Patton was next taken up but as the sister was sick, the case was continued. The clerk George Steel tendered his resignation. . .Bro. Stephen Pounds [Lucinda Graham's brother-in-law] was unanimously elected. . .Bro. Wayne K. Deffenbach applied for a letter of dismission which was granted. . .Bro. George Steel applied to the church for license to preach which was granted. . . The case of Sister Margaret Leeper [daughter of Arah Graham and Giles Sidney Lee] having obtained a letter from the church and having united. . ."

continued: "with a church of another faith and order church while wishing and praying for Sister Leeper's prosperity is compelled to exclude her from fellowship. . ."

April 9, 1881 ". . .the case of Sister Mary Patton was taken up and a new committee consisting of Bro. Stephen Pounds and Sister Margaret and Ardell Carrow were appointed. . .charges of immoral conduct were preferred against Bro. Fred Weber, and Bros. J. P. Lollar, Theodore McKee and George Steel were appointed a committee to see Bro. Weber. . .Bro. [J.J.] Carrow, Treasurer made his report which showed that the Church has only paid Bro. McKay ten dollars of his salary for the current year."
May 7, 1881 ". . .The case of Sister Patton and Bro. Weber were continued there being no report from the committee of such a nature that the church could act upon them."
Aug. 1881 ". . .The committee on singing. . .recommended the Baptist Tune and Hymn Book and the Church add Lord Book on motion the Church ordered two dollars and fifty cent be raised and sent the delegates to the association. . .church instructed a letter of Recommendations for Br. Elder George Steel to presented to Brotherhood wherever his lot may be cast. . ."