Aug. 11, 1906 ". . .Bro. Harrison G. Hulsey presented his letter from Providence Bapt. Church and was rec'd. Sister Myra McKay was accepted as a member of Bethlehem church by recommendation. . . we elect a pastor for ensuing year which resulted in the election of Bro. R.A.Kite. . . Bro. E. J. Short, mod; Geo. W. Harrison, Church Clerk
[Sept] 1906 ". . .Bro. L. A. Wilson be solicitor for ensuing year. . . Bro. R.A. Kite, Mod; George W. Harrison, Clerk
Jan. 12, 1907 ". . . after serom by Bro. Kite Pastor, church called to order. Mrs. Lucinda Wilson was excluded from the church because she has forsaken the Baptist faith by uniting with another sect. . . .Bro. Johns, Clerk Protem
Aug 7, 1908 ". . . the graveyard that it can be worked and kept in better shape in the future. The moderator appointed Bro. Newton Eoff and Geo. Harrison as solicitor to collect funds to meet expenses of the grave yard. A motion was made to turn the work over to the graveyard committee. . . J.P. McKay, mod; George Harrison, CC"
Sept. 1908 ". . .Robert McKay elected clerk protem. . .Bro. Alvoid was granted a letter to Providence Church. . .J P McKay, Mod; Robt McKay, Clerk protem"
Aug 7, 1909 ". ..a motion made that Bethlehem Church correspond with Jefferson Co. Bapt. Association by letter and messenger. The messengers elected as follows Bros. L. P. Williams, Ed Johns and Geo. Harrison. Alternatives Sisters Martha Bittick, Annie McKay and Ella Bittick. Bro. Harry Bruns called for letter to unite with some other church of the same faith. . . a motion to elect pastor which resulted in the election of Bro. J.P. McKay. . .Bro. J. P. McKay, moderator; Geo Harrison, clerk.
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