Friday, April 29, 2011

Church Records 1910-1911

Feb. 12, 1910 ". . .Bro. Ed Johns act as mod. pro tem.  After a song and prayer Bro. Mod. read for the lesson  34 Salms being the first meeting since the death of our devoted and esteemed Bro. Lem Williams. . .Bro. John Ogle reported having funds sufficient to purchase material to cover house. . ."
July 9, 1910 ". . .a motion was made that Bethlehem Church should be represented at the Jefferson Co. Bapt. Association by letter and messenger.  The messengers elected were John Ogle, John Perkins and Geo. Harrison. . .J.P. McKay, moderator; Geo. W. Harrison, CC"
Page 99 April 8, 1911 ". . .proceeded to call a Presbytery to attend the ordaining of Bro. J. Dickie.  the ones chosen were Bros. Steele, Short, Kite, Alvoid, Eoff, McKay. . .Thursday at one o'clock being 13 April. . .J.P. McKay, mod; Robert McKay, Clerk"

"from page 100:  John McKee and Geo. Harrison alternates J. Bittick, Roy Perkins, Robt. McKay. . ." I'm not sure what this is since I didn't copy the entire page 100---Jefferson County Baptist Association ?

June 12, 1911". . .Bro. John Ogle and his wife called for letters from Bethlehem Church to unite with some other church of the same faith and order which was granted. . ."

George Steele is believed to be the large white haired, white bearded man standing in the photo above.  Having taken these photos almost a year ago, I don't know why I didn't get all of Pages 100 or 101. . .
"July 30, 1911 Whereas Rev. Geo Steel a ministeral son of Bethlehem, a greatly beloved and honored colleague, in the ministery, a faithful and efficient servant in so many special calls is still loyal to the old church and community; and whereas he has served his generation through thirty years of ministerial life that abounds in good works and noble fruits therefor be it

Resolved that we clearly and umbly recognize god in his work and reverently appreciate this. . ."

1911 ". . .After singing and prayer and a sermon by Bro. Raney, the church was called to order by Pastor J.P. McKay.  A motion was made and seconded that Bro. John L. Dicky be excluded from the church.  Also that the bro [Dickey] being a minister should be published in at least three of our religious papers published in the country. . . "

(p. 99) April 19, 1911 "special session for the purpose of examining Bro. J. Dickie to the full ministry.  The presbytery organized the church voted to proceed to the ordination.  Bro. Geo.
Steel led in the examination question,  Bro. J.P. McKay ordaining prayers, Bro. Newton Eoff charge to the candidate, Bro. Steel preached the ordination sermon. . ."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Church Records 1906-1909

I'm not sure if there were pages missing or if there was no business and I didn't photograph it. The photo above is Catherine Cenith Long and Harry Bruns.  Harry Bruns joined Bethlehem Aug. 1908, but transferred Aug. 1909.

Aug. 11, 1906 ". . .Bro. Harrison G. Hulsey presented his letter from Providence Bapt. Church and was rec'd.  Sister Myra McKay was accepted as a member of Bethlehem church by recommendation. . . we elect a pastor for ensuing year which resulted in the election of Bro. R.A.Kite. . . Bro. E. J. Short, mod; Geo. W. Harrison, Church Clerk

[Sept] 1906 ". . .Bro. L. A. Wilson be solicitor for ensuing year. . . Bro. R.A. Kite, Mod; George W. Harrison, Clerk
Jan. 12, 1907 ". . . after serom by Bro. Kite Pastor, church called to order.  Mrs. Lucinda Wilson was excluded from the church because she has forsaken the Baptist faith by uniting with another sect. . . .Bro. Johns, Clerk Protem

Aug 7, 1908 ". . . the graveyard that it can be worked and kept in better shape in the future.  The moderator appointed Bro. Newton Eoff and Geo. Harrison as solicitor to collect funds to meet expenses of the grave yard.  A motion was made to turn the work over to the graveyard committee. . . J.P. McKay, mod; George Harrison, CC"
Sept. 1908 ". . .Robert McKay elected clerk protem. . .Bro. Alvoid was granted a letter to Providence Church. . .J P McKay, Mod; Robt McKay, Clerk protem"
Aug 7, 1909 ". ..a motion made that Bethlehem Church correspond with Jefferson Co. Bapt. Association by letter and messenger.  The messengers elected as follows Bros. L. P. Williams, Ed Johns and Geo. Harrison.  Alternatives Sisters Martha Bittick, Annie McKay and Ella Bittick.  Bro. Harry Bruns called for letter to unite with some other church of the same faith. . . a motion to elect pastor which resulted in the election of Bro. J.P. McKay. . .Bro. J. P. McKay, moderator; Geo Harrison, clerk.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Church Records 1905

Ten years earlier, there were problems with the Grubville Church.  Click here.  The truth is the Bethlehem Church and Grubville Churches are not far away from each other.  I suspect Bethlehem lost a lot of its members to the Grubville Church.  After 10 years of problems, the resolution below indicates some progress is being made to becoming peaceful neighbors.

"Resolution  Submitted to Bethlehem Church Jan. 7th 1905
In the face of the Solemn facts that life is short, time precious and that the souls of men are dying, it behooves us to remove every barrier to success in the noble work of him who died for us.  And knowing as we do that in time passed there has been a difference of feeling that has tarded [sic]. . .

the work in this section of the country.  Therefore be it resolved that we each ask the forgiveness of the other for whatever the one thinks the other has done wrong and that we hence forth as far as the past is concerned regard each other as sister churches and work together as such in the one great cause of Soul wining in the name of our blessed Savior.  Be it fathful resolved that these resolutions be adopted by both the Bethlehem and Grubville Churches as a settlement of all passed grievances and that they be spread on our church books as a matter of permanent record.  When this is done we shall all be able henceforth to answer the inquirer that the matter is forever settled and is so recorded."

Jan. 7, 1905: ". . . Bro. J. E. Short read a prepared resolution which was to be adopted by Bethlehem and Grubville churches and which is adopted by Bethlehem to settle all past grievances and which is recorded on our records as such in book 2 on pages 58. . ."
Feb. 1905---there was no business
April 8, 1905:  "Bethlehem Church met after sermon by our pastor.  Church proceeded.  First a motion to erase the name of Elizabeth McKee which we did. . . J. E. Short, Mod; J. L. Perkins Clerk pro tem"
July 1905:  ". . .a letter presented to Bro. J. S. McKay and his wife if her name appeared on the church books. . .messengers and delegates [Jefferson County Baptist Association] John W. Lee, W.W. Powers, Ed Johns. . ."
Aug 1905: ". . .the church proceeded to elect pastor for the coming year which resulted in re-electing J. E. Short. . ."

Church Records 1904

 The photo above is from the Jefferson County Baptist Association 1913.  One of the documents below mentions Amanda Reiter Ingalls who is one of the women standing by the fence post.  Her husband William Barber Ingalls is seated the second man from the left.
 January 1904 ". . .the Committee who was appointed to see Bro. Jas. Adams was asked to report.  Then the church decided the charge must be stated and as nothing could be done, the case was dropped and committee was discharged."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Church Records 1903

 Annie Reiter Phenty (1876-1935)
 January 1903
  ". . . the church shall call council to decide if Bro. Price McKay shall continue in the ministry.  Motion made that Bro. E.J.Hemrick appoint council which was done and clerk ordered to notify same. . . ."
 Feb. 1903 "Bethlehem Church met Feb. 2, 1903 to  investigate the case concerning J.P. McKay.  The council not all being present, a new council was called to meet Feb. 22, 1903. . . .E. J. Hemrick, Mod; W.W. Powers Clerk"
"Mon. Feb. 23, 1903.  Church with pastor being absent Bro. John Lee was elected mod. protem. . .a motion was made to process with the case of Bro. Price McKay.  But the council who was called not being present, the church did not decide the case of Bro. J.P. McKay. . ." John Lee, Mod; Geo W. Harrison Clerk

 p. 46 April 1903 "The council who was called Feb. 23, 1903 to assist the church to the case of Rev. J. P. McKay did not come.  A motion was made and seconded that a new council be called to meet Mon. after second Sunday in May 1903 2 PM.  The advisory council consisting of members as follows:  Rev. R. A. Frazier, Alvoid, J.B. Emmons, G. A. Hardy, J.W. Ward and E. Anderson  and the clerk was instructed to notify same and the name Ada Williams was ordered dropped from the list of membership for uniting with another church of different faith and order. 4th Bro. N. Eoff and John Lee were appointed to write the church history for the committee of the Jeff. Co. Bap. Assn. . . ."  I don't know what the problem was with J. Price McKay being minister.  There was no March meeting and by the June meeting, he was elected Clerk Pro Tem.
June, 1903 ". . .sermon by R.A. Frazier who had come instead of the pastor E.J. Hemrick.  After the sermon, the church proceeded to business with Bro Frazier as mod.  The clerk being absent on motion J.P. McKay appointed Clerk Protem. . .historical committee made an indirect report and virtually asked for more time. . ."

 July 1903 ". . .Historical Committee not ready to report. 4th L. H. Reiter and wife called from letters for our Bethlehem Church which was granted. . . ."
 Aug. 1903 ". . .1st Church proceeded to elect pastor for ensuing year which resulted in re-electing E. J. Hemrick. 2nd. by motion Sister Annie Reiter [photo at the top of the page] and Bro. W.W. Powers was appointed Solicitors. . ." E.J. Hemrick mod. Geo. W. Harrison CC
 Nov. 1903 ". . .a committee was appointed to see Bro. James Adams for violating church rules and report at next meeting.  R.W. Williams and G. W. Harrison appointed as Committee. . ."
Dec. 1903 ". . .Bro. James Adams failed to report the church added Bro. E.J. Hemrick to committee. . ."