Bethlehem Baptist Church is in the Dittmer, Grubville area of Jefferson County, Missouri. Double click on any of the documents to enlarge them.
March 1922 "Bethlehem Baptist Church met in regular conference at 2 AM [PM?] on Sat. before the 4th Sunday in March. After sermon by pastor, church came to order for business. Minute read and approved. Request from the Old Folks Home for eggs discussed. Church decided to save the eggs Easter Sunday. .. E.J. Hamrick, Mod.; Myrtle McKay, church clerk"
April 1922 ". . .Clerk being absent, Mrs. W.R. McKay elected clerk pro tem. . . Clerk had statement on the April egg offering for "The Old Folks Home". The offering amounted to $3.78. . . .E.J. Hamrick, mod' Mrs. W.R. McKay, clerk pro tem"
July 1922 ". . .James Adams, Mrs. Bertha Wilson and Myrtle McKay were elected as messengers [Jefferson County Baptist Association]. Howard Miller, Gladys Lee and John M. Wilson alternates. Clerk ordered to prepare annual letter. James Adams elected trustee in lieu of his father (now deceased). . . .E.J. Hamrick, moderator; Myrtle McKay, church clerk."
Aug. 26, 1922 ". . .Pastor being absent, Bro. James Adams was called to the chair as moderator. . . Bro. Geo. W. Harrison, Sister Vern Marsden, Sister Elizabeth McKay and Bro. Johnny McKay requested letters which were granted. John M. Wilson elected trustee of church in lieu of J.L. Lee now deceased. . . "
Page 155 Oct. 1922 No business
Nov. 1922 ". . .Bro. Robert McKay received by letter from Oak Grove Baptist Church. J. P., Myra, Ray and Robert McKay requested letters from Bethlehem to unite with West Park Baptist Church in St. Louis which was granted.. . EJ Hamrick, Mod; Myrtle McKay, C.C.
Page 158 July 1922 ". . .Motion and second that we elect messengers to seat in counsel with the Jefferson Co. Baptist Association. Bro. John Wilson, Sister Bertha Wilson, Bro. James Adams were elected as messengers. Alternates Charles Henry and Robert McKay. . . "
August 1922". . . The church elected Bro. E.J. Hamrick for the coming year. . . Bro. E.J.Hamrick, Mod; Annie McKay, Clerk Protem.
". . .Bethlehem Baptist Church was called to order. Sister Elsie Manion called for letter which was granted. . . E.J. Hamrick, mod; Annie McKay, clerk"