These minutes discuss the need for a new meeting house for Bethlehem Baptist in Grubville or Dittmer, Missouri, but it must have been on adjoining or the same property since graves from the 185o's and 1860's are there. James Pounds (above) died in 1866. His grandson
James M. Pounds is mentioned below.

p. 52 April 1871 ". ..Brother
Robert Wilson sends his virtual resignation as one of a building committy appointed by the church at Bethlehem to build a meeting house. Said resignation was received and Brother Wilson released from said committy and Brother
Joseph Brown was appointed in his place. There was a charge brought up before the church against
Martin Eoff for using Profanest Language and Sabbatical breaking where upon Brother
A.D. Bittick (O.D?) and T
homas Eoff was appointed as a committy to go and talk with Br.
Martin Eoff. . ." This might be Lewis Martin Eoff. . . .

1871 ". . .in June the church had a communion service on sabbath. The Church give the plan of the house and orders the committee to go on and commence building. The church house size 26 by 45 feet 12 feet between floors house to be a frame.
July 1871 ". . .[Eoff] nor the committy present or the committy not having an opportunity of conferring with the Brother, it was thought expedient by the church to turn Brother out of the Church which was done by the consent of the church. . ."

p.54 Aug. 1871 ". . .the case of
J.J.Frost is a charge for swearing and other crime (?) unbecoming a Christian. There was a committy of two appointed to confer with Br. Frost. Brethren
Robert Wilson and
George H. Frost. . .the charge against Br. Evans [
Charles Evans] was for swearing and Br.
Joseph Brown and
J.J. Carrow was appointed as a committy to confer with Evans."

Aug. 1871 continued ". . .delegates appointed to send up to the Association are Brethren
Robert Wilson,
George Steele and the clerk of the church
J.P. Lollar. .. "
Sept. 1871 ". . .the case of Br.
J.J. Frost was taken up and disposed of for non-attendance and the chrarge preferred against him. . .the case of Br.
Charles Evans until next meeting. Employs Elder
Joel Hensley as the pastor for the year end Oct. 1872. . . agree to pay the pastor $50 to be paid quarterly. . ."

Dec. 1871 ". . .Sister
Celia Turner presented herself for church membership from Oakland Church when said sister presents her letter of dismission from Oakland Church. . ."
Jan. 1872 There was no report on
Charles Evans' case and Sister Turner is received into Bethlehem Church.

March 1872 ". . .Brother
S.B. Wilson [Solomon Bachelor Wilson] charged
Margaret Wilson [Margaret Mecarel Brown, daughter of Mary "Polly" Graham and Henry Brown] with conduct unbecoming a member of the church. Charge sustained. Br. Steele moved that the Sister be excluded. . .Br. S.B. Wilson charges Br.
Jasper Eoff and
Mary Eoff with dancing. Br.
Thomas Eoff sustained the charge. Also Br. S.B. Wilson charges
James M. Pounds [grandson of the James Pounds who died in 1866] and Sister
Charlotte Pounds [Charlotte McCulloch] of shooting Mrs.
Mary Wilson's horse. Sister Pounds being present was called on to explain the charge. Sister Pounds acknowledges her fault and expressed her sorry for doing. Sister
Clara Eoff [Clarissa Davis] gave evidence in the case. . ."

p. 58 March 1872 cont. ". . .Br.
Joseph Brown [son of Mary "Polly" Graham and Henry Brown] moved that Sister Pounds confession be received. Sr. Pounds sustains her position in the church. . ."
April 1872 ". . .the case of Br.
Jasper[Eoff] and Sister Eoff. . .having no disposition to stay in the church any longer, but expressed a desire for the church to exclude them from the church which was done. . ."

p. 59 May 1872 ". . .the case of Bro.
J. M. Pounds [James Milton Pounds] being calls. Bro. Lee presented a letter from Bro. Pounds in which Br. Pounds expressed his sorrow that his conduct had caused grief in the church. After remarks by
Robert Wilson and
S.B. Wilson, Bro. [
George] Steele [Lewis Harrison Lee and Margaret Julia Graham's son-in-law] moved that the offending Brother be forgiven and restored. . . the church empowered the building committy to dispose of the old church building as they may think proper. . ."

p. 60 May 1872 cont. ". . .[the committee is] done be selling the old house and applying the proceeds to the case of the new house. Bro.
George H. Frost Treasurer of building committee presented his account to the church. . ."
July 1872 ". . .Bro.
O.D.Bittick [son-in-law of Lewis Harrison Lee and Margaret Julia Graham] asks for a letter of. . . "

p. 61 July 1872 cont. ". . .dismission and recommendation which was granted.
Aug. 1872 ". . .Br.
O.D. Bittick [Oliver Delore Bittick]. . .asked a continuence in the church which was granted. . .delegates to represent them in Jefferson County Association to be held at Pilgrim's Rest Church commencing on the 11th day of Oct. 1872 namely elder
Wm. McKay,
O.D. Bittick and the clerk [
John P. Lollar]. . ." So, O.D.Bittick left the church in July, rejoined in August and was a delegate to the Association meeting. . .

p. 62 Sept. 1872 ". . .motion made to pay up our pastor for his year's service before employing any other pastor. . ."
Oct. 1872 ". . .committy appointed to collect funds enough to pay our pastor for the year ending Oct. 1872. The church instructed her delegates to not hire a pastor for the next year which they did not. So, Bethlehem Church is therefore without a pastor. Bro.
J. M. Hensley [Joel Hensley]says he will preach for us until Christmas. . ."